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     Access to justice for all in free will and without borders            Our priority is to carry out justice in the shortest possible time            Where justice is achieved, prosperity is enforced            Access to justice for all is the first duty society            Access to justice exists when it can be afforded for all      
General Secretariat  



Judge Asad Shinnar

Assistant Secretary-General

Telefax: 022423013


The methodology for developing General Secretariat and enhancing its performance is enormously improved in administrative, technical and professional fields. A comprehensive and cohesive department resulted from conclusive functions and services offered by qualified staff working in coordinate mechanism to carry out their duties appropriately.

Many achievements have been accomplished by General Secretariat Department within past few years; this can't be done without the efforts of the current and former secretary-general: Judge Rasha Hamad, Judge Hala Mansour, Judge Izat Rameni, Judge Hazem Idkik and Judge Mahmoud Jamous.


General Secretariat Department handles the following tasks:

  • Provide logistic and administrative support to chief justice office.
  • Make available administrative support services to judges across all courts levels.
  • Implement decisions related to judges appointment, promotion, transference, secondment, loan, mandate, termination their services and follow up on related personal issues and administrative procedures.
  • Participate in conferences, meetings, seminars and workshops for judges across all court levels.
  • Establish Complaints Department in General Secretariat to create communication link between citizens and officials.
  • Prepare regular reports on judicial formation system in accordance to governance and redistribute judges according to actual needs of courts.
  • Perform any other duties assigned by chief justice.


Challenges facing General Secretariat:

  • Internal by-law that identify jurisdictions and responsibilities of General Secretariat work mechanism.
  • Increase the number of administrative staff working in General Secretariat.
  • Develop a program in regard to number of judges, their distribution and formation.
  • Activate General Secretariat responsibilities in accordance to High Judicial Council Decision No. (2), 2006.
  • Perform any other duties assigned by High Judicial Council Decision No. (2), 2006.


Proposed plan for General Secretariat:

  • Put in place and improve a program for judges' affairs to be as a basic reference for General Secretariat work mechanism; includes all database submitted by Inspection Department and Training Department.
  • Provide capacity building to judges and judicial staff to handle the accelerated improvements in General Secretariat work mechanism, to keep pace with modern developments and to upgrade their skills.
  • Update database for judges' affairs with particular focus on judges' formation, distribution, appointment, promotion, transference, secondment, loan, mandate, and termination; facilitate communication with them and among relevant departments.
  • Issue annual reports and quarterly newsletters on judges' affairs to assess relevant departments.